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Visitors 3053
Modified 17-Jan-17
Created 11-Apr-11
61 photos

During the 1950s carrying dry powders in bulk became important on Britains railways. The Presflo was the early successful design but it was not suited to all powders so the twin silo Prestwin was introduced. This collection has photographs of the earlier diagram 1/274 with short 10ft. wheelbase and the later, smaller and longer diagram 1/277 including a pair of awaiting scrapping photographed in considerable detail. Unfortunately there are no photographs of the underneath of the silo, however I can verify that the well known Airfix/Dapol kit is remarkably accurate! . The design went out of use in 1983.
The rich colour of the scanned official photograph re-inforces that these wagons had an extra layer of body paint - they were red/grey/red.
B873001_Prestwin__m_B873023 CQV PRESTWIN Diag 274 @ Warrington Bank Quay 80-08-16 � Paul Bartlett wB873023_CQV_1-274_bw__m_B873023_CQV_1-274__m_B873197_Prestwin_CQV_diag_274__m_B873382_Prestwin_CQV_diag_277__m_B873388 Prestwin CQV @ Broughton Lane 83-10-02 � Paul Bartlett [1w]B873388 Prestwin CQV @ Broughton Lane 83-10-02 � Paul Bartlett [2w]B873388 Prestwin CQV @ Broughton Lane 83-10-02 � Paul Bartlett [3w]B873388_Prestwin_3-4_BAL902B873388_Prestwin_3-4_side__m_B873388_Prestwin_brakes_BAL903B873388_Prestwin_end_BAL908B873388_Prestwin_filler_BAL912B873388_Prestwin_filler_BAL913B873388_Prestwin_filler_top_BAL914B873388_Prestwin_filler_top_BAL915B873388_Prestwin_left_sole_BAL907B873388_Prestwin_lower_end_BAL909B873388_Prestwin_pipes_top_BAL916

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:BR, BR Prestwin, CQV, Prestwin, Railway wagon