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Visitors 656
Modified 6-Oct-23
Created 6-Apr-11
21 photos

From about 1971 BR rebuilt LNER hopper wagons with a 3 part side, as they did many of the later BR built wagons. The frames, brake and running gear usually remained as originally supplied.
E193281 HOP 21 at Whitehaven 77-09-06E274020 = 193 HTO [2]E274020 = 193127 = E289871 Rebody huck bolt Shildon 1976 [ex Metropolitan Cammel] 1946 @ Onllwyn Colliery 92-07-18 © Paul Bartlett wE302216 HTO at Wellingborough 82-02-21E302240 HTO at Toton 86-08-20E302245 HTO at Northallerton 80-04-06E303024 = 72856E303410 HOP 21HTO at Swindon C&W 75-09-13E304142 = 72857E304503 HTO at Goole Docks 82-04-18E304632 = OE72858E304789 HTO at Wellingborough 80-07-12E306735 HOP 21HTO at Swindon C&W 75-09-13E306981K HOP 21E307334 = 72937 [1]E307334 = 72937E307392 = 891E307496 HTO at Easington Colliery 88-04-12E307570 HTO at Barry Woodhams 81-09-04

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:BR, HTO, LNER hopper wagon, hopper wagon, railway wagon, rebodied