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Visitors 498
Modified 22-Apr-20
Created 24-Apr-14
92 photos

Network Rail has built a considerable new campus on the site of the Midland Railway engine shed at the south end of York station. This will control much of the East Coast Mainline, Leeds etc. as well as having a large training centre. It is planned to be the largest of the 14 new rail operating centres.
Photographs during its construction.
Official site
Rail HQ and eco homes impress RICS awards judges
Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2014-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [12w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-01-17 � Paul Bartlett wNetwork Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [01w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [02w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [03w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [04w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [05w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [06w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [07w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [08w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [09w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [10w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [11w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [12w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [13w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [14w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [15w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [16w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-05-03 � Paul Bartlett [17w]Network Rail York Campus, training and control centre 2013-09-30 � Paul Bartlett [1w]

Categories & Keywords
Category:Architecture and Structures
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Guestbook for Network Rail York Campus, training and rail operating centre
Terry Kight(non-registered)
This looks an impressive building to control the East Coast Main line and branches, would like to have seen the interior where the operators will be working and the relay room on the ground floor
The guestbook is empty.