Yes, you have found it! As mentioned in Model Rail, British Railway Modelling and Railway Modeller with Bachmann, Dapol, Cavalex, Graham Farish, Lionheart, Heljan, Hattons, Oxford Models, Accurascale, KR Models, Revolution and Hornby using it to inspire their models, the largest collection of BR period wagon photos on the web.
The photographs represent a selection of a large collection of Railway wagon photographs I have taken over the past 54 years.
I am pleased to be able to make them available to others similarly interested in railway rolling stock. All are welcome to use the photographs on an individual basis, however
model manufacturer's are asked to acknowledge sources when appropriate. Link to my site if you wish, and if you want to add them to your website please ask (which is just what most of you have done thank you!)
Some of my photographs have appeared in magazines and books and I would be pleased to provide these photographs. Most of my railway photographs are now on here.
Technical details
Cameras. All are 35mm - the earliest photographs were taken with Agfa Silette. Between 1970 and about 1980 various Practica SLRs were used. From about 1980 Colour transparencies were taken with a Nikon F3 with a Nikkor 35-70 mm 1:3.5 Zoom lens. Black and white negatives were taken with a Pentax SFXn with 35-70 mm 1:3.5 - 4.5 Zoom lens. I have also occasionally used some longer focal length lens. The more recent photographs are on digital cameras of varying but improving quality.
Films. All pre 2010 colour photographs are from transparency. Fortunately, I used Kodachrome 64 or 25 most of the time but financial constraints mistakenly led to the use of some other poor quality films - Fujichrome, Etachrome, Agfa and Orwo in particular. A few early black and white photographs are Agfa dia direct - a lovely reversal film but most are conventional films and rather grainy. In the 1980s the very nice Ilford XP1 was used.
Scanner - a Nikon Coolscan IV ED. This gives 2700 dpi which is fine enough to show flaking rust and fine lettering as well as grain. Nothing finer would be of any use because of the limitations of grain. Microsoft Picture - it is used to adjust brightness and colour balance and to add the captions. Unfortunately, this site began before the days of broadband and early scans remain posted at very low level - denoted by [m] in the file name.
I hope you enjoy the photographs. If you want to know more about Britains railways the Historical Model Railway Society can help you; see
Finally, because the site has become so popular I am finding it exceptionally difficult to answer questions about usage of wagons, and railways more generally. It also interferes with time for scanning which is a slow process (and I am only a three quarters done!) and my own modelling. Therefore, please respect this, ask me for photos of rolling stock I may have, but there are plenty of other places, including books, which are stuffed full of information. I give diagram numbers on many photographs, look at for copies of many diagrams. Much good advice would also be forthcoming by joining DEMU forum and/or RMWeb forum and/or BR wagon research
[email protected] | Home
. If I am able to answer questions posted on these I will do so. If you insist on asking a question about a photograph it is ESSENTIAL you provide the URL - available via "SHARE" on every picture page.
I know this is a disappointing response, but I simply cannot be the authority on all things railway, I want to do some modelling myself.