Galleries 25
Collections 1368
Groups 59
Created 18-Mar-11
Modified 15-Oct-24
This menu page has the main groupings of photographs. Click on the thumbnail to drill down

Britain's Railway Wagons & other rolling stock

Galleries 2
Collections 1145
Modified 9-Apr-21
41146 photos
Britain's Railway Wagons & other rolling stock

General railway photographs in Britain

Galleries 1
Collections 113
Modified 1-May-24
4931 photos
General railway photographs in Britain

International railway and tram photographs

Galleries 3
Collections 21
Modified 9-Nov-22
720 photos
International railway and tram photographs

Uyuni - The Train Graveyard, Bolivia

134 photos
Uyuni - The Train Graveyard, Bolivia

Mostly Autumn

Galleries 1
Collections 28
Modified 31-Jan-21
452 photos
Mostly Autumn

Sri Lanka Birds and Wildlife

Galleries 1
Collections 3
Modified 23-Jan-16
24 photos
Sri Lanka Birds and Wildlife

Costa Rica Birds and Wildlife 2015

Galleries 1
Collections 10
Modified 25-Feb-24
169 photos

Australia 2014

Galleries 1
Collections 12
Modified 3-May-15
280 photos
Australia 2014

Borneo Sabah and Sarawak, 2014

Visitors 155
56 items
Created 11-Apr-24
Modified 11-Apr-24
Borneo Sabah and Sarawak, 2014

Brazil - Expedition 2011

Galleries 1
Collections 6
Modified 14-Jul-11
418 photos

South East Africa 2008

Visitors 163
10 photos
Created 26-Oct-12
Modified 26-Oct-12
South East Africa 2008

Ships and ferries

Galleries 1
Collections 2
Modified 7-Jan-14
33 photos

Society of Biology Yorkshire Branch

Galleries 1
Collections 2
Modified 7-Aug-14
77 photos
Society of Biology Yorkshire Branch

Chrysomelid leaf beetles

Collections 1
Modified 7-Aug-14
0 photos

Gilling Mainline Rally 5inch gauge model railway

Visitors 483
85 photos
Created 13-Feb-24
Modified 13-Feb-24
Gilling Mainline Rally 5inch gauge model railway

Ebor Group of Railway Modellers York

Galleries 2
Collections 11
Modified 21-Feb-24
425 photos
Ebor Group of Railway Modellers York

Sri Lanka Birds and Wildlife

Visitors 14
15 photos
Created 24-Feb-24
Modified 24-Feb-24
Sri Lanka Birds and Wildlife


Galleries 1
Collections 1
Modified 22-Jan-16
39 photos


Visitors 15
0 photos
Created 21-Dec-16
Modified 21-Dec-16

Guyana, October 2016

Visitors 25
1 photos
Created 24-Feb-24
Modified 24-Feb-24
Guyana, October 2016

old po

9 photos
old po


Modified 28-Feb-23
0 photos


Visitors 4520
12412 items
Created 21-Dec-24
Modified 21-Dec-24

Australia 2017

Visitors 11
1 videos
Created 13-Oct-17
Modified 13-Oct-17

York and North Yorkshire

Galleries 1
Collections 7
Modified 14-Jul-23
225 photos
York and North Yorkshire

New Collection

Visitors 12
1 photos
Created 15-Oct-24
Modified 15-Oct-24
New Collection

Concrete Beam train wagons, including later use

Visitors 0
39 photos
Created 15-Oct-24
Modified 15-Oct-24
Concrete Beam train wagons, including later use

Guestbook for All Photographs
Dutchy Thijs(non-registered)
Great to see those old photos.
Hope you are well.
Geoff Trenholme(non-registered)
As a model railway builder I find these photographs a mine of visual information.
I always like to see if anything I'm building a kit for is represented here. Not always still around when Paul was doing the rounds, but then I get inspiration for another project !!
This site plus books by David Larkin & Don Rowland are heaven for the railway
wagon builder.
Will Crompton(non-registered)
Wonderful website, photographs and resource - not just to modellers but to railway historians I think.
John Penny(non-registered)
Nice - a life's work! Thanks for the wagon pictures. I'd love to see 'internal use' wagons, some are really freaky. My particular interest is indeed industrial, with The Harton Electric Railway topping the bill.
Keep up the good work.
Martyn Lacey(non-registered)
Great source for modellers and GWR enthusiasts.

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