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Visitors 324
Modified 6-Jun-21
Created 1-Dec-12
20 photos

R built 200 LNER design bogie bolster Ds with their version of the diamond frame bogie. They were allocated diagram 1/472.

NOTE – These photographs are low quality scans and may not print well. Do not order larger prints.
B941175_BDO__m_at Workington 79-08-26B941180_D-BOLSTER__m_at Toton 78-09-17B941182_BDO__m_at Workington 79-08-26B941212_081378__m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 80-09-10B941247_081377__01m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 82-04-12B941247_081377__02m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 84-04-25B941247_081377__03m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 84-04-25B941247_081377__04m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 84-04-25B941247_081377__06m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 84-04-25B941247_081377__07m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 84-04-25B941247_081377__08m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 84-04-25B941247_081377__09m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 84-04-25B941247_081377__10m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 84-04-25B941247_081377__11m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 84-04-25B941247___081377__05m_at Cardiff Tidal Sidings 84-04-25B941257 BR 42T Bogie Bolster D unfit LNER diamond bogie Diag 1-472 [Lot 2211 Tees-side SBE 1950]  @ Feltham MY 68-04-27 © Paul Bartlett wB941266_BB7036__m_at Stoke BSC Shelton 94-06-05B941272  @ Whitemoor 76-11-16 � Paul Bartlett wB941337_BDO__m_at Workington 79-08-26KDB976051 YVO @ Whitemoor 80-06-28 © Paul Bartlett w

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:BDO, BR, Bogie Bolster D, Diag 1/472, LNER, diamond bogie