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Visitors 774
Modified 13-Apr-20
Created 20-Mar-11
32 photos

Three distinctive van designs, one with sliding roof operating in the UK.
14 88 088 8 175-6P INTERFRIGO @ Warrington Bank Quay 80-08-16 � Paul Bartlett w21 88 214 0632-7 = 052734 @ Warrington Central 79-10-27 � Paul Bartlett w21 88 579 9 006-9 Belgian RIV 4 –wheel ‘ferry’ van sliding roof Tbfis 46ft o.h. Diag ILE479 built Gent Brugge 1977 @ Parkestone Quay 87-01-31 © Paul Bartlett w

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Ferry van, Railway wagon, belgian railway van