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Visitors 1093
Modified 27-Mar-11
Created 27-Mar-11
21 photos

Various photographs of rail facilities at the British Leyland Factory at Longbridge in 1991, including Loco, car loading facilities, signal box and signal. Interesting contrast with photographs in Chris Leigh "Longbridge in the 1960s - A prototype worth modelling in Model Railway Constructor Annual 1986 p 16 - 23. Internal user wagon photographs in other collection
Wagon capstanold Longbridge stationOil unloadingOil pipesOil coal unloadLongbridge East SB [2]Longbridge East SB [1]Longbridge [1]Loco shed LickeyLoco shedLaura [1]LauraEast end LongbridgeEast end [1]Caution shunt SignalCar load Longbridge [6]Car load Longbridge [5]Car load Longbridge [3]Car load Longbridge [2]Car load Longbridge [1]

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:British Leyland, Car loading, Locomotive shed, Locomotives, Longbridge, Longbridge British Leyland, Wagon capstan, oil unloading