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Visitors 1102
Modified 31-Jul-17
Created 13-Apr-11
37 photos

In 1980 Eighty Boplates were reconstructed with air brake, new bogies and other fixtures. They were later used by the engineers and some were further converted.
DC965003_YNA__m_DC965004_YNA__m_965006 58t Boplate rebuild air brake [Lot 4011 Shildon 1981]l @ Scunthorpe Tata Steel 2015-06-06 © Paul Bartlett [1w]DC965007_YNA__1m_DC965007_YNA__m_965008_BPA__1m_965008_BPA__2m_DC965008_BPA__3m_965010 BPA 58t Boplate rebuild air brake [Lot 4011 Shildon 1981] @ Scunthorpe Tata Steel 2015-06-06 © Paul Bartlett [1w]DC965011_YNA__m_965016 BPA 58t Boplate rebuild air brake Tare 21-400kg [Lot 4011 Shildon 1981] @ Scunthorpe Tata Steel 2015-06-06 © Paul Bartlett [1w]965026_BPA__m_DC965030_YNA__m_DC965031_YNA__m_965032_BMA__m_965033_BNA__m_965035_BPA__m_965036_BPA__1m_965036_BPA__m_965039_BMA__m_

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:BMA, BNA, BPA, BR, BR Bogie plate, BR Boplate, Boplate, Railway wagon, YNA