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Visitors 1108
Modified 25-Jun-21
Created 31-Mar-11
106 photos

BR built 3 designs of Borail. The first two designs were both based on different GWR wagons and a new design of 165, with and without bolsters followed. 150 of the final ones were rebuilt with air brake and new bogies in 1981 and these were transferred to the engineers as Parr and Mullet soon afterwards. Drawings of final vacuum brake designs in Bartlett et al, and Cambrian make a kit in 4mm scale.
NOTE – These photographs are low quality scans and may not print well. Do not order larger prints.
[DRG]80117 + DE(B)940007B946016_WE__m_B946016 BR (GWR design) Borail WE (later Bogie bolster C) Diag 1-480 Lot 2098 Swindon 1949 @ Toton 78-09-17 © Paul Bartlett wB940022 internal use [1]B940022 internal useKDB940026 YVO Borail BOLSTER @ Warrington Central 80-08-16 � Paul Bartlett wKDB940026 YVOB946032_090620__m_ADB946035_YNP_BOLSTER-C__1m_ADB946035_YNP_BOLSTER-C__1_ADB946035_YNP_BOLSTER-C__2m_ADB946035_YNP_BOLSTER-C__3m_ADB946035_YNP_BOLSTER-C__4m_ADB946035_YNP_BOLSTER-C__5m_ADB946035_YNP_BOLSTER-C__6m_BB3633 = B9460XX ex Borail WE Internal @ BSC Shelton Stoke 94-06-05 � Paul Bartlett wDB946050_YNP__1m_DB946050_YNP__2m_DB946050_YNP__3m_DB946050_YNP__m_

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:BR, BR Borail, BRA, BRV, Borail, Mullet, Parr, Rail, Railway wagon, YLA, YMA, YNP