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Visitors 925
Modified 15-Feb-15
Created 21-Mar-11
57 photos

BR built a number of small batches of demountable tank wagons which were dedicated to beer and cider traffic. A few remained in this traffic until 1979, others were used by the engineers. There were two distinctive designs of demountable tanks built for Crosfields Sodium silicate, with either one or two fillers. Collection includes details and runners for 03 shunters
ADB749045 ZRWB749014__m_B749029ADB749030 Bass083465 ZRW [ADB749046]B749050 Bass [1]B749050 BassB749050__m_B749055 Bass [1]B749055 Bass [2]DB749070 [01]DB749070 [2]DB749070 [3]DB749070 [4]DB749070TDB749402 no 29 [2]TDB749402 No 29 [3]TDB749402 No 29TDB749411 [1]TDB749411 [2]

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Bass, Crosfield, Demountable tank, Demountable tank wagon, Railway wagon, Runners, ZRV, ZRW