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Visitors 1188
Modified 4-Apr-24
Created 23-Mar-11
442 photos

The Engineers built a considerable fleet of vehicles, mostly using redundant coaching stock, but also some freight vehicles. They had number series starting at 975xxx and 977xx with other series in 965xxx and 999xxx
ADB977111_ex_S222_QRV__m_DB975663_ex_S4593_QXV__m_DB975663_ex_S4593_QXW__bwm_DB975663_ex_S4593_QXW__m_TDB975894_ex_S4599__GUV__@ Shrewsbury North 83-08-17__1m_TDB975894_ex_S4599__GUV_@ Shrewsbury North 83-08-17__m_TDB975967_ex_S4605_QRV___ Exeter Riverside 84-04-22  mADB975449=B3192=041888B3192 ADB975449 041888TDB975449=B3192=041888 [1]TDB975450DB975881 ex1705 York LR 84-09-15 P BartlettESSO45258=DB999105 ZRV [1]A.D.B.999013 ex SMBP Diesel  @ Chester C&W 79-05-27 [1]A.D.B.999013 ex SMBP Diesel  @ Croess Newydd 80-04-10 [2]ADBDM999014 ex SMBP @ Warrington Bank Quay 79-05-26 [1]ADBDM999014 ex SMBP @ Warrington Bank Quay 79-05-26 [2]ADBDM999014 ex SMBP @ Warrington Bank Quay 87-01-03 [3]SMBP6581=DB999016=024765 @ Leicester TMD 90-09-13 [1]

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Departmental, Mark 1, Mk1, coaches, epartmental coaches