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Visitors 393
Modified 17-Apr-11
Created 17-Apr-11
21 photos

In 1957 200 of this batch of 251/2 ton standard iron ore hoppers were built with vacuum brake and roller bearings. 135 were uprated to 33.5 tons and 13 to 30tons. Later some were in coal traffic in South Wales and others used by the engineers for ballast.
Scale drawings in: Monk-Steel, David (2022) An illustrated history of British Railways Hopper Wagons. HMRS publishing, Butterley Station, Derbys. 248 + iv pages ISBN 978 0 902835 42 9
NOTE – These photographs are low quality scans and may not print well. Do not order larger prints.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:BR, BR iron ore hopper, HJV, HKV, Railway wagon, ZDV, iron ore, iron ore hopper