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Visitors 4172
Modified 15-Nov-22
Created 30-Mar-11
82 photos

Milk carrying tank wagons used on British Railways in the 1970s and 1980s. BR, GWR, LNER, SR, LMS, and more recently MMB. Chassis used for roll on roll off milk trailers are included. Milk wagons were unusual as the barrels were owned by the milk companies and the frames by the railway companies. This collection includes all of the milk wagon photographs on the site.
B3128 Unigate Creameries Ltd Milk tank Tare 13-100kg [Diag GWR 060 lot 1473 Swindon 10.1950] @ Swindon Works 80-10-05 © Paul Bartlett wB3151B3153 Milk for MMBB3156 [1]B3156 [2]B3167B3181ADB975449=B3192=041888TDB975449=B3192=041888 [1]B3192 ADB975449 041888 [2]B3192 ADB975449 041888 [3]B3192 ADB975449 041888 [4]B3192 ADB975449 041888 [5]B3192 ADB975449 041888 [6]B3192 ADB975449 041888 [7]B3192 ADB975449 041888E70355__at Swindon Works 75-09-13E70577W(exM)44004ADW(exM)44013

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:BR, LMS, LNER, MMB, Milk marketing board, Milk tank wagons, SR, railway wagon