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Visitors 2208
Modified 20-Mar-24
Created 1-Apr-11
91 photos

Between 1955 and 1957 BR built 5,420 vans with plywood sides and the standard RCH brake rigging, which were followed between 1958 and 1962 by another 3,200 with the BR clasp brake.
B764609 = 083293B764697 VVV BR Plywood van @ Wellingborough 81-03-22 � Paul Bartlett wADB764919 ZDVB764946 VANB765193 VVVB765272 VAN @ Swindon Works 79-05-19 © Paul Bartlett wB765312 VVVB765364B765395 VVVB765409 VVVB765436 VVVB765449 VANB765487ADB765671 ZDVDB765936ZVV PooleyB765995 VANB766153 VANFITB766210 VVVB769491 VVVADB769566 ZRV

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:BR, BR Standard van, VVV, Van, ZDV, ZRV, plywood sides, railway wagons