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Visitors 2678
Modified 12-Apr-13
Created 1-Apr-11
62 photos

BR built 1894 Vanwides, another 100 with a clear polyester experimental roof and 6 with side ventilators as a fruit van. The collection includes some details. 7mm and 4mm kits are available. The airbraked conversions are at
B782886 VANWIDEB782970 VWVMODA783071 IUB783220DB783248 ZDVB783252 VWVB783314 VMVB783323 VEVB783338B783423B783431 VANWIDEB783453B783458 VMVB783611 VWVB783708 VWV VANWIDEB783710B783768 VMVB783773 [1]B783773 [2]B783773 [3]

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:BR, BR Vanwide, Railway wagon, VAN, VEV, VMV, VWV, Vanwide, ZDV, ZRV, fruit van, polyester experimental roof