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Visitors 476
Modified 8-Mar-21
Created 27-Mar-11
50 photos

Bowling was visited twice, On the Clyde alongside the Glasgow to Fort William CR mainline. Detail photographs are in the wagon collection
Esso1744 [1]Esso1744 [2]Esso1744 [3]Esso1744 [4]Esso1744 [7]Esso1757 [1]Esso1757 [2]Esso1757 [3]Esso1757 [4]Esso1757 [5]Esso1757 [6]Esso1767 [01]Esso1767 [02]Esso1767 [03]Esso1767 [04]Esso1767 [05]Esso1767 [09]Esso44122ESSO56036 TTA Class A @ Bowling 91-08-15 � Paul Bartlett wESSO56055 TTA Class A @ Bowling 90-07-27 � Paul Bartlett w

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Bowling, Dumbartonshire, Esso Bowling, Glasgow, Railway wagon, Scotland