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Visitors 1278
Modified 28-Mar-11
Created 28-Mar-11
11 photos

Built during the 1970s Interfrigo registered a large fleet of vans that could cross to the UK on the train ferries. A dynamo working from an axlebox powers the refrigeration plant.
03 83 FS 808 9021-003 83 FS 808 9056-6 Interfrigo [1]03 83 FS 808 9056-6 Interfrigo03 83 FS 808 9066-5 Interfrigo03 83 FS 808 9092-1 Interfrigo03 83 FS 808 9102-8 Interfrigo03 83 FS 808 9129-1 Interfrigo03 83 FS 808 9796-7 Interfrigo03 83 FS 808 9865-0 Interfrigo11 83 FS 0887 359-5P Interfrigo11 83 FS 0888 836-1 Interfrigo

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Ferry wagon, Interfrigo, Italian, Italian Ferry wagon, Private owner, Railway wagon, refrigerator van