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Visitors 374
Modified 28-Mar-11
Created 28-Mar-11
27 photos

A collection of French registered SNCF flat Lfls, SNCF high open Ffs and Transfesa Suisse special flat (with a tilt type cover) Ufss operating in Great Britain
21 87 414 5206-2 Lfls21 87 414 5208-8 Lfls [2]21 87 414 5208-8 Lfls21 87 414 5212-0 Lfls21 87 414 5220-3 Lfls21 87 414 5224-5 Lfls [1]21 87 414 5224-5 Lfls21 87 414 5232-8 Lfls21 87 414 5233-6 Lfls21 87 414 5237-7 Lfls21 87 414 5241-9 Lfls21 87 414 5247-6 Lfls21 87 414 5260-9 Lfls21 87 414 5269-0 Lfls21 87 414 5282-3 Lfls21 87 414 5282-3Lfls [2]21 87 414 5290-6 Lfls [1]21 87 414 5290-6 Lfls [2]21 87 414 5298-9 Lfls21 87 609 0051-3 Ffs

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Ferry wagon, Ffs, French ferry flat, French ferry high, French ferry open, Lfls, Railway wagon, SNCF, Ufss