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Visitors 860
Modified 29-Oct-23
Created 24-Mar-11
154 photos

The Mond Division of ICI operated tank wagons for caustic soda hired from Procor, Tiger Railcar services and British Railway Traction/Caib. Some BP tanks also included. Later ATO and Hays used ex ICI wagons. Folly Lane of Runcorn was the main plant loading the ICI versions. Includes conversion to china clay.
BRT57588 Caustic SodaBRT57598 Caustic SodaBRT57599 Caustic SodaBRT57630 TTA ICI Caustic Soda Liquor Mond Division Bruninghaus suspension air brake 1967 @ Folly Lane 89-02-25 © Paul Bartlett wBRT57636 Caustic Soda [2]BRT57636 Caustic SodaBRT57697 TTA Sulphuric Acid tank @ Port Clarence 2001-08-11 � Paul Bartlett wBRT57700 Caustic SodaBRT57718 Caustic SodaBRT57718 TTA ICI Caustic Soda @ Folly Lane 82-04-17 � Paul Bartlett wBRT57720 Caustic SodaBRT57723 Caustic SodaBRT57724 Caustic SodaBRT57724 TTA Hays ex ICI Caustic Soda @ Mossend 90-07-22 � Paul Bartlett wBRT57731 TTA ICI Caustic soda @ Port Clarence 2001-08-11 � Paul Bartlett wBRT57741 TTA ICI Caustic soda @ Port Clarence 88-09-23 � Paul Bartlett wPR58212 Caustic Soda [2]PR58212 Caustic Soda @ Folly Lane ICI 87PR58212 TTA ICI Caustic Soda @ Swansea Burrows Sdgs 91-03-09  � Paul Bartlett wPR58217 Caustic Soda

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:BP, BRT, British Railway Traction, Caib, Caustic soda tank wagons, ICI, ICI Mond, ICI Mond Caustic soda tank wagon, Private owner, Procor, Railway wagon, TTA, Tank wagon, Tiger Railcar services