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ICI operated a small fleet of Hydrogen cyanide tanks. This is well written up in Rail Express no. 112 (Sept 2005) pages 18 – 25. This collection includes a set of detail photographs of the final air braked type. Includes details.
P70174TRL70174 TUATRL70736 TUA [1]TRL70736 TUA [2]TRL70736 TUA [3]TRL70736 TUA [4]TRL70736 TUA [5]TRL70736 TUA [6]TRL70736 TUA [7]TRL70736 TUA [8]TRL70736 TUA [09]TRL70736 TUA [10]TRL70736 TUA [11]

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:ICI, ICI hydrogen cyanide tank wagon, TUA, details, hydrogen cyanide, tank wagon