Sara 0-4-0 Planet 3961 @ Gloucester Procor Wagon works 86-08-29 � Paul Bartlett w
Peter Briddon wrote on the IRS group, 11 January 2022 with a history of this locomotive. "FH3951 - originally a RNAD loco, I selected it from a line in EMR at Sheffield in my days at TH. Unfortunately the engine was u/s so we re-engined it with the Gardner and its rad out of the RSH Husky, discovering that the engine was originally supplied for a Dennis dustbin lorry c.1934. (Hence the different front end compared to normal FHs) The loco originally had dumb-buffers: I recovered those off the B-Leyland HE 6982 we'd taken in part-ex and we fitted those. Sara was Gloucester's receptionist. It went to Marcrofts Stoke after Gloucester closed."