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Visitors 1438
Modified 14-Oct-22
Created 23-Mar-11
145 photos

A collection of M prefixed departmental coaches, mostly converdions from ex LMS and their pre-grouping constituent companies. There is a list of many of the departmental coaches at There are other Ex LMS coaches in departmental use in the DS and DB series.
M45029M_Inspection_saloon__m_042205_M45030M_Inspection_saloon__2___m_042205_M45030M_Inspection_saloon__3___m_042205_M45030M_Inspection_saloon__m_M45045M_Inspection_saloon__m_M45049 LMS Dynamometer car no. 3 � Paul Bartlett collection D6457 wM45050 LMS DYNAMOMETER CAR No 1 Pres @ Ripley 77-06-04 � Paul Bartlett collection [1w]M45050 LMS DYNAMOMETER CAR No 1 Pres @ Ripley 77-06-04 � Paul Bartlett collection [2w]M45050 LMS DYNAMOMETER CAR No 1 Pres @ Ripley 77-06-04 � Paul Bartlett collection [3w]ADM40258_STORES__m_ADM40261_STORES__m_ADM40270_ZRV__m_ADM40279_ZRV__m_ADM40302_STORES__m_ADM40321_STORES__m_ADM40329_ZRV__m_ADM44407M Steam Heating boiler vans @ Dewsnap 81-04-17 � Paul Bartlett wM44408 [6039] LMS Tourist Open, STEAM HEAT VAN @ NYMR Pickering 93-02-17 � Paul Bartlett wADM44413M Steam Heating boiler vans @ Dewsnap 81-04-17 � Paul Bartlett wDM198823 CHIEF ENGINEER WEED KILLING TRAIN No. 2 @ St. Albans 67-05-31 � Paul Bartlett [1w]

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