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Visitors 542
Modified 31-Oct-13
Created 30-Oct-13
24 photos

The LMS had a very distinctive design of small 20ton hopper wagon for Iron Ore. I didn't see any in traffic, this selection is of wagons in internal use, and includes details of both sides.
9 = M690311 Iron Ore hopper Internal @ York BSC 80-04-07 � Paul Bartlett w9 = M690311 Iron Ore hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett w13 = M690567 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [01w]13 = M690567 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [02w]13 = M690567 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [03w]13 = M690567 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [04w]13 = M690567 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [05w]14 = M691883 Iron Ore hopper Internal @ York BSC 80-04-07 � Paul Bartlett w14 = M691883 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [01w]14 = M691883 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [02w]14 = M691883 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [03w]14 = M691883 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [04w]14 = M691883 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [05w]14 = M691883 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [06w]14 = M691883 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [07w]14 = M691883 IRON ORE hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett [08w]18 LMS Iron Ore hopper Internal @ York BSC 88-04-11 � Paul Bartlett w4710-1627   4739-1637NCB LMS Iron Ore hopper Internal @ Stockport 82-07-18 � Paul Bartlett wD213 Slag reduction exLMSD232 Slag reduction exLMS

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Guestbook for LMS Iron Ore Hopper wagons
Brian H Williams(non-registered)
Apparently 20 of these wagons were allocated in BR days to Serpentine traffic from Helston to the Oughtbridge Silica Brick Company in the Sheffield area.
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