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Visitors 803
Modified 5-Oct-23
Created 6-Apr-11
52 photos

The LNER had an unusual 2 plank high bogie bolster, the design of which also resembled the Bogie Plate with two drop doors - these became a BR standard design, even down to being airbraked. Later Bogie Bolsters were steel but unexplained they were withdrawn quite early in BR days compared to earlier designs of other companies. Also contains NERly.
E129081 NER BOGIE BOLSTER CE15---- D-BOLSTER Quint at Grangemouth Dock 84-05-31E159439 Bogie bolster D Quint Internal at Swansea Dock 80-09-11 [0]E159439 Bogie bolster D Quint Internal at Swansea Dock 80-09-11 [2]E159439 Bogie bolster D Quint Internal at Swansea Dock 80-09-11 [3]E159439 Bogie bolster D Quint Internal at Swansea Dock 80-09-11 [4]E159439 Bogie bolster D Quint Internal at Swansea Dock 82-04-13 [1]E159439 Bogie bolster D Quint Internal at Swansea Dock 82-04-13 [5]ADE159671 YVO Quint bogie bolster D at York Holgate Dock 80-04-07ADE159671 YVO Quint bogie bolster D at York Leeman Rd 84-09-15 [1]ADE159671 YVO Quint bogie bolster D at York Leeman Rd 85-08-20 [3]ADE159671 YVO Quint bogie bolster D at York Leeman Rd 84-09-15 [2]ADE159705 YNO Quint bogie bolster D at Chesterton Junction 79-04-11DE228894  YVO Boplate E CONCRETE TRAINat Dewsnap 81-04-17DE228943 YNO Boplate E at Chesterton Junction 85-03-24 [1]DE228943 YNO Boplate E at Chesterton Junction 85-03-24  [2]DE229053 SIGTROF Boplate E at Chesterton Junction 85-03-24E306-34=5870 D-BOLSTER Internal at Scunthorpe BSC 88-09-21E306358=3507 Bogie bolster D Quint Internal at Scunthorpe BSC 88-09-21E306400 Bogie Boster D internal at Ashford Works 77-07-16

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Bogie Bolster, Bogie Bolster B, Bogie Bolster C, Bogie Bolster D, Bogie Plate, LNER Bogie Bolster, LNER Bogie Plate, Railway wagon, YNO, YVO