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Visitors 5206
Modified 1-Mar-25
Created 7-Apr-11
45 photos

Some early pre-group designs and the main LNER designs, the final one leading to the standard BR van design.
23791 GNER44824 NER @ Beamish Museum 77-08-24E040534 GERADE133340 Toad B @ Colchester 77-01-15E133357 Toad BE139712E140580 Toad BLDE157838 ZYV Toad DLDE157838 ZYVDE161994 Toad EUnknown LNER Toad @ Whitemoor 80-06-28 � Paul Bartlett wDE178498 Toad E @ Hitchin Engineers 75-07-20DE178498 Toad E @ Hitchin Engineers 75-07-20E178614 Toad EDE187636 ZTV Toad D @ Horwich Works 79-10-27DE187699 ZTV @ Battersea Yard 78-03-12DE187774 Toad D pres @ York NRM 78-04-08LDE235063 ZYW Toad DLDE235063 ZYW Toad D [1]LDE235431 brake van @ Luton 80-08-26 � Paul Bartlett w

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Brake vans, GER Brake vans, LNER Brake vans, NER Brake vans, Railway wagon, Toad, Toad D