Between 1989 and 1998 many frames from HEA hopper wagons were used for newly constructed box open mineral wagons. They were built at several different works, and were introduced in various liveries, such as BR coal sector, Mainline and EWS. Some duplication as I saw the same rake at Tees in 1999 and Healey Mills in 2001. Many were cut down to become MFA, possibly c2008 Andy Latham has let me have build details 391000 to 391045 converted 1989 to 1990 for Trainload Freight 391046 to 391082 converted 1991 for Trainload Freight. This entire batch subsequently converted to MFA. 391101 TO 391160 converted 1995 for Mainline Freight. 391202 to 391240 converted 1996 for Loadhaul. 391241 to 391630 converted 1996 to 1998 for EWS 391631 to 391698 converted 2004 for EWS.