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Visitors 2260
Modified 8-Feb-19
Created 1-Apr-11
71 photos

During the later 1980s BR returned to carrying a lot of felled timber, converting wagons at various times from OBA, OCA & VDA, retaining their original numbers. Some of these conversions were reconverted, with changes in stanchion numbers, type etc. Liveries also altered. As well as Forestry commission timber (usually conifer) for paper pulp there was a considerable short term traffic in hardwoods, felled in southern England after the hurricane of 15 October 1987, sent to Caperboard near Hexham.
See also
110211_OTA_EWS__m_110292_OTA_EWS__m_110420_OTA_EWS__m_112067 OTA @ Toton 86-09-20 © Paul Bartlett [1w]112067 OTA @ Toton 86-09-20 © Paul Bartlett [2w]112160 OTA @ Mossend 89-07-30 © Paul Bartlett w112180 OTA @ Mossend 87-08-16 © Paul Bartlett w112180 OTA112184 OTA @ Perth 89-08-01 © Paul Bartlett w112186 OTA112187 OTA @ Toton 86-09-20 © Paul Bartlett [1w]112187 OTA @ Toton 86-09-20 © Paul Bartlett [2w]112188 OTA @ Exeter Riverside 86-01-13 © Paul Bartlett w112188 OTA112190 OTA @ Perth 89-08-01 © Paul Bartlett w112212 OTA @ Swansea Burrows Sidings  92-08-19 © Paul Bartlett w112220 OTA @ Mossend 90-07-22 © Paul Bartlett w112222 OTA @ Carmarthen  92-08-16 © Paul Bartlett w112241 OTA @ Warrington Walton Old Junction 89-02-25 © Paul Bartlett w112247 OTA

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:OTA, Timber

Guestbook for Timber carrying wagons OTA
Brian H Williams(non-registered)
The chipboard plant at Hexham is Egger; Caberboard are somewhere near Inverness, I believe.
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