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Visitors 1197
Modified 30-Jan-21
Created 11-Apr-11
40 photos

In an effort to retain traffic in bricks BR introduced experimental wagons for pallets of bricks which were followed by 1423 palbricks, of 3 different dimension to cope with different pallet sizes. The collection has a few original wagons and others after rebuilding as match wagons for freightliner wagons which lacked conventional buffing and drawgear and others in internal use including at Rail Ring Roll products, Manchester. History, number series, scale drawing and other photographs were published in Bartlett, P., Larkin, D., Mann, T., Silsbury, R., and Ward, A. (1985) An illustrated history of BR wagons, Volume 1 published by Oxford Publishing Company, 192 pages. see information on preservation at

NOTE – These photographs are low quality scans and may not print well. Do not order larger prints.
5_Palbricks_1967_W1621T__m_B461998_Palbrick_B_lot_2724__m_B462027_Coil_P__m_B462073_Palbrick_B_lot_2724__m_68-10-12B462095_Coil_P__m_B462143_Palbrick_B_lot_2724__m_B462169_Coil_P__m_B462345_Coil_P__m_B46240-_Palbrick_B_lot_2724__m_B462425_Coil_P__m_B462471_Coil_P__m_B462511_Coil_P__m_024681_ex_B462717__m_B462720_liner_train_match__m_B462721_Liner_train_match__m_B462733 LINER TRAIN Ex Palbrick  @ Temple Mills 79-07-14 � Paul Bartlett wB462741_Liner_train_match__m_B462749_Liner_train_match__m_B462756_Liner_train_match__m_B462759_Liner_train_match__m_

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