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Visitors 285
Modified 19-Jun-23
Created 27-Mar-11
42 photos

Shell Mex & British Petroleum 444 in internal use as 041204 at Tinsley TMD in 1993. Originally built by Midland Rly Carr & Wagon of Birmingham for New Jersey Pure Oil registered by Midland Railway no 38855 in 1902.
Conserved at the Ribble Railway
SMBP444 IU 041204 @ Sheffield Tinsley 93-08-11 [1]SMBP444 IU 041204 @ Sheffield Tinsley 93-08-11 [2]SMBP444 IU 041204 @ Sheffield Tinsley 93-08-11 [3]SMBP444 IU 041204 @ Sheffield Tinsley 93-08-11 [4]SMBP444 IU 041204 @ Sheffield Tinsley 93-08-11 [5]SMBP444 IU 041204 @ Sheffield Tinsley 93-08-11 [6]SMBP444 IU 041204 [n]SMBP444 IU 041204 [zg]SMBP444 IU 041204 [zh]SMBP444 IU 041204 @ Sheffield Tinsley 93-08-11 [8]SMBP444 IU 041204 @ Sheffield Tinsley 93-08-11 [9]SMBP444 IU 041204 @ Sheffield Tinsley 93-08-11 [7]SMBP444 IU 041204 [a]SMBP444 IU 041204 [b]SMBP444 IU 041204 [c]SMBP444 IU 041204 [d]SMBP444 IU 041204 [e]SMBP444 IU 041204 [f]SMBP444 IU 041204 [g]SMBP444 IU 041204 [h]

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Early Tank wagon, New Jersey Pure Oil, Private owner, Railway wagon, SMBP444, Shell Mex & British Petroleum, Tank wagon