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Visitors 228
Modified 16-Jul-14
Created 16-Jul-14
8 photos

A batch of 40 attractive bogie tank wagons owned by Tiphook Rail Ltd, only some of which worked in the UK. This example is the only one I recorded, but in beautiful conditions.
33 70 789 9 039-3 Tiphook Rail Acrylic acid tank Design code E686 @ Immingham 90-10-13 � Paul Bartlett [01w]33 70 789 9 039-3 Tiphook Rail Acrylic acid tank Design code E686 @ Immingham 90-10-13 � Paul Bartlett [02w]33 70 789 9 039-3 Tiphook Rail Acrylic acid tank Design code E686 @ Immingham 90-10-13 � Paul Bartlett [03w]33 70 789 9 039-3 Tiphook Rail Acrylic acid tank Design code E686 @ Immingham 90-10-13 � Paul Bartlett [04w]33 70 789 9 039-3 Tiphook Rail Acrylic acid tank Design code E686 @ Immingham 90-10-13 � Paul Bartlett [05w]33 70 789 9 039-3 Tiphook Rail Acrylic acid tank Design code E686 @ Immingham 90-10-13 � Paul Bartlett [06w]33 70 789 9 039-3 Tiphook Rail Acrylic acid tank Design code E686 @ Immingham 90-10-13 � Paul Bartlett [07w]33 70 789 9 039-3 Tiphook Rail Acrylic acid tank Design code E686 @ Immingham 90-10-13 � Paul Bartlett [08w]

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