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Visitors 333
Modified 6-Oct-23
Created 17-Aug-20
29 photos

Photographs by Tony Dyer whom, with John Senior, in the early 1970s formed the model kit manufacturers Mopok and Kemilway (with George Allen). They are all now my copyright
E104E Thompson FB Scotsman Reception @ Twickenham 69-07-06 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection wE70636E Gresley FB Scotsman Exhibition Car A @ Twickenham 69-07-06 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection wE70632E Gresley FB Scotsman Exhibition Car B @ Twickenham 69-07-06 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection wE70758E Gresley FB Scotsman Exhibition Car C @ Twickenham 69-07-06 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection wE70497E Gresley FB Scotsman Exhib D @ Twickenham 69-07-06 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection wSc281 Scotsman Observation - Ex DEVON BELLE @ Twickenham 69-07-06 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection [1w]Sc281 Scotsman Observation - Ex DEVON BELLE @ Twickenham 69-07-06 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection [2w]St. Albans [07]Engine shed @ St. Albans MR 67-05-31 © Tony Dyer  Paul Bartlett Colln. [5w]Engine shed @ St. Albans MR 67-05-31 © Tony Dyer  Paul Bartlett Colln. [4w]St. Albans MR locoEngine shed @ St. Albans MR 67-05-31 © Tony Dyer  Paul Bartlett Colln. [1wEngine shed @ St. Albans MR 67-05-31 © Tony Dyer  Paul Bartlett Colln. [3w]Engine shed @ St. Albans MR 67-05-31 © Tony Dyer  Paul Bartlett Colln. [2w]B904111 LOWMAC ET GWR style riveted Vacuum brake Diag 2-245 Lot 2592 Swindon 1954 @ Feltham MY 68-04-27 © Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection wE87000 PARCELS VAN SPV ex Fish @ Southall 70-03-06 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection wE87029 EXPRESS PARCELS SPV ex Fish @ Southall 70-02-23 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection wE87142 EXPRESS PARCELS SPV ex Fish @ Southall 70-03-06 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection wE87438 INSULATED VAN ex Fish @ Southall 70-02-23 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection [1w]E87438 INSULATED VAN ex Fish @ Southall 70-02-23 � Tony Dyer, Paul Bartlett collection [2w]

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