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Visitors 196
Modified 24-Mar-11
Created 24-Mar-11
13 photos

Between 1984 and 1989 Foster Yeoman hired 36 bogie hopper wagons for aggregates. It was an ill-fated and expensive attempt to get maximum payload by using Aluminium but the wagons proved unsuitable and the bodies were scrapped c1989. Originally they had conventional drawgear but this was altered to some with automatic couplers at one end, and others had them at both.
PR17801 PHA YeomanPR17807 PHA YeomanPR17808 PHA YeomanPR17818 + 24 PHA YeomanPR17818 PHA inside [1]PR17818 PHA insidePR17818 PHA Yeoman [1]PR17818 PHA YeomanPR17819 PHA YeomanPR17820 PHA YeomanPR17829 PHA YeomanPR17831 PHA YeomanPR17836 PHA Yeoman

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Foster Yeoman, PHA, Private owner, Railway wagon, Yeoman, Yeoman aggregate hopper, aggregate hopper