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Visitors 272
Modified 1-Sep-24
Created 25-Jun-12
180 photos

The largest quarry in the UK has a very large railhead. This collection shows the alteration from ex BR iron ore tipplers and hoppers being used, through 4 wheel hoppers to large fleets of bogie hoppers and both 4 wheel and bogie box opens.
Visited on 8 occasions, when a visit to the main office would produce an indemnity form, hard hat and "get on with it"! They didn't have internal users, but a large variety of aggregate carriers.
47901 @ Merehead Foster Yeoman 82-07-30 © Paul Bartlett w47901 [ex D1628] on Yeoman PGA @ Merehead Foster Yeoman 82-07-30 � Paul Bartlett wB340136 HTVB385687 MSV at Merehead Quarry 79.06.04B385925 MSV @ Merehead Foster Yeoman 81-09-24 © Paul Bartlett wB385946 MSV StoneB386049 MSV StoneB386075 MSV StoneB386513 MSV StoreB386524 MSV Stone @ Merehead Foster Yeoman 82-07-30 © Paul Bartlett wB386569 MSV StoneB386613 MSVB388173 MSV StoneB388365 MSV [1]B388420 MSV StoneB388427  @ Merehead Foster Yeoman 79-06-04 © Paul Bartlett wB388427 @ Merehead Foster Yeoman 79-06-04 © Paul Bartlett wB388639 MSVB388803 MSV STONEB388834 MSV

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Foster, Foster Yeoman, Merehead, Somerset, Yeoman