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Visitors 2742
Modified 11-Jan-24
Created 16-Apr-11
205 photos

BR developed a new design of multi purpose Rail, Sleeper & Ballast wagon from the LNER Dolphin, which had removable ends. Three diagrams, two distinct designs, numerous conversions and a unique bogie design.
Cambrian Models introduced 4mm kits from March 2012.
NOTE – These photographs are low quality scans and may not print well. Do not order larger prints.
DB994091 Sturgeon A Diag 1-645 @ Luton 82-02-13 © Paul Bartlett wDB994094__m_DB994095_Crane__m_DB994100_STURGEON_A__m_DB994108_STURGEON_A__m_DB994108_YBO__m_DB994111_YBO_STURGEON_A__m_DB994114_STURGEON_A_cranes__m_DB994114_STURGEON_A_crane__1m_DB994120_STURGEON_A__m_DB994121_STURGEON_A_cranes__m_DB994122_cranes__m_DB994124_YBO_STURGEON__m_DB994127_STURGEON_A__m_DB994130_YBO_STURGEON_A__m_DB994136_YBO__m_DB994136_YBO__1m_DB994137_STURGEON_A__m_DB994139_YBA__m_DB994146_YBO_STURGEON_A__m_

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:&, BR, BR Sturgeon, BR Tench, Railway wagon, Sturgeon, Tench, YBA, YBO, YPA