BR Bass - air braked engineers wagon ZDA
Created 19-Jun-12
Modified 19-Jun-12
BR Catfish ZEV ballast hopper wagon
Created 29-Aug-21
Modified 29-Aug-21
BR Chubb ballast/spoil wagon conversion of ferry van ZCX
Created 11-Apr-11
Modified 11-Apr-11
BR 22ton Creosote tank wagons ZRV
Created 19-Jun-23
Modified 19-Jun-23
Denpart wagons - ex GWR, LMS & BR ZRV
Created 21-Nov-20
Modified 21-Nov-20
BR Dace ex Shochood B ZDV
Created 23-Oct-11
Modified 23-Oct-11
BR Dogfish ballast hopper ZFV
Created 5-Dec-21
Modified 5-Dec-21
Trout & Dogfish conversion for Slag
Created 29-Aug-21
Modified 29-Aug-21
BR LNER Dolphin YAO diag. 639
Created 14-Feb-15
Modified 14-Feb-15
BR Doorand ballast wagon ZKA
Created 30-Mar-11
Modified 30-Mar-11
Created 14-Feb-15
Modified 14-Feb-15
BR 'Gannet' Ballast hopper
Created 30-Mar-11
Modified 30-Mar-11
BR Grampus ballast open unfitted ZBO
Created 14-Feb-15
Modified 14-Feb-15
BR Grampus ballast open vacuum braked ZBV
Created 10-Jan-15
Modified 10-Jan-15
BR Grampus ballast open unfitted airpiped ZBQ
Created 20-Mar-11
Modified 20-Mar-11
BR Grampus ballast rebuilt vacuum braked ZBV
Created 2-May-12
Modified 2-May-12
BR Grampus Rail Loader sets ZXO ZXV ZBO
Created 14-Mar-13
Modified 14-Mar-13
BR Haddock - Sleeper wagon ZCO
Created 10-Jan-15
Modified 10-Jan-15
BR Halibut YCA Ballast wagon
Created 27-Jan-23
Modified 27-Jan-23
BR Hake ballast open air braked ZDA ZBA
Created 9-Jul-21
Modified 9-Jul-21
BR (GWR design) Herring ballast hopper ZLV
Created 3-Nov-13
Modified 3-Nov-13
BR Herring ballast hopper (rivet) ZLV
Created 17-Apr-11
Modified 17-Apr-11
BR ballast Lamprey, Crab, ZBO ZBV ZCV
Created 20-Dec-20
Modified 20-Dec-20
Limpet conversion of aggregate opens MKA ZKA
Created 11-Nov-13
Modified 11-Nov-13
BR GWR Ling - 14t ballast opens ZCO
Created 5-Feb-15
Modified 5-Feb-15
BR Loriot, GWR design 2/900 and 2/902 ZVO ZXP ZVP
Created 8-Sep-24
Modified 8-Sep-24
BR Mackerel 17ton ballast hopper diag 1/583 ZMV
Created 3-Nov-13
Modified 3-Nov-13
GWR and BR Mermaid ballast wagon
Created 17-Jul-20
Modified 17-Jul-20
MRA - Railtrack/Network side tipping ballast wagons
Created 17-Aug-23
Modified 17-Aug-23
BR & LMS Oyster Ballast plough brake van ZUO ZUP
Created 13-Apr-11
Modified 13-Apr-11
Longwelded rail train PERCH PORPOISE YEA YXA
Created 25-Aug-24
Modified 25-Aug-24
BR Pilchard 20 ton Ballast and sleeper wagon YCO
Created 3-Jun-21
Modified 3-Jun-21
BR Plaice ballast wagons ZCV
Created 4-Jul-12
Modified 4-Jul-12
BR Prawn, Departmental bogie bolster C YNO
Created 21-Aug-14
Modified 21-Aug-14
BR Rudd and Clam ballast/spoil wagons ZBA ZCA
Created 9-Jul-21
Modified 9-Jul-21
BR LMS design Salmon Diag 1/640 YMO
Created 6-Feb-15
Modified 6-Feb-15
BR Salmon with 5ft. wb bogie YMA YMO
Created 3-Oct-22
Modified 3-Oct-22
BR Salmon with 8ft. wb bogie YMA YMP YMO YMB
Created 3-Oct-22
Modified 3-Oct-22
BR Salmons & Sturgeon fitted with rail lifting cranes YFA
Created 22-Apr-24
Modified 22-Apr-24
EWS Salmon rebogied as TENCH YWA YKA including Osprey conversion
Created 16-Aug-23
Modified 16-Aug-23
BR Seacow - Stingray ballast hopper YGB
Created 6-Feb-15
Modified 6-Feb-15
BR Sealion & Sea Cow ballast hopper YGB YGH YGX
Created 24-Sep-20
Modified 24-Sep-20
BR Seahorse ex OCA ZCA
Created 9-Jul-21
Modified 9-Jul-21
ZCA Sea Urchin wagons rebuilt for ballast and spoil
Created 1-Apr-20
Modified 1-Apr-20
BR Sludge - refuse wagon
Created 11-Feb-24
Modified 11-Feb-24
BR Shark ballast plough brake van ZUV ZUW
Created 22-Sep-21
Modified 22-Sep-21
BR Skate YDA spoil skip storage
Created 16-Apr-11
Modified 16-Apr-11
BR Sole Ballast wagons ZCO ZCA
Created 13-Apr-11
Modified 13-Apr-11
BR GWR Starfish 10t ballast open ZAO
Created 21-Aug-14
Modified 21-Aug-14
BR Concreting train in South Wales
Created 16-Apr-11
Modified 16-Apr-11
BR Sturgeon & Tench YBA YBO YPA
Created 11-Jan-24
Modified 11-Jan-24
BR Tope 21t coal hopper - rebuilt as TOPE ZDV ZCV
Created 14-Apr-11
Modified 14-Apr-11
BR Trout ballast hopper ZFO (LNER type)
Created 7-Feb-14
Modified 7-Feb-14
BR Turbot Ballast open YCV YCW
Created 13-Aug-20
Modified 13-Aug-20
BR GWR Tunny 20 ton Ballast open - ZCO ZXO
Created 14-Feb-15
Modified 14-Feb-15
BR Walrus bogie ballast hopper YGV
Created 5-Dec-21
Modified 5-Dec-21
BR Whale Ballast hoppers YHA
Created 17-Jul-20
Modified 17-Jul-20
BR GWR Whiting S&T open ZVO & Minnow ZCO
Created 13-Dec-20
Modified 13-Dec-20
BR Plate wagons - as Winkle departmental wagons ZVO
Created 21-Aug-14
Modified 21-Aug-14
Overhead line maintenance & S&T cable wagons and coaches etc.
Created 18-Oct-23
Modified 18-Oct-23
DB999xxx & DB9989xx series engineers tanks, ex SMBP Esso and Texaco
Created 8-Feb-24
Modified 8-Feb-24
BR 4 wh. Dept. Flatrol MVV 2/904 ZVO ZVR ZXO ZXP ZXR ZXQ
Created 7-Feb-14
Modified 7-Feb-14
BR Research Dept. Cyclops ex Trestrol EC
Created 2-Apr-11
Modified 2-Apr-11
Research department stock
Created 16-Jun-16
Modified 16-Jun-16
BR Bogie Bolster C - as cable drum carrier YNV YNW YNP
Created 17-Dec-15
Modified 17-Dec-15
BR Bogie Bolster C - as cement mixers YYW YYM
Created 7-Feb-14
Modified 7-Feb-14
BR Plate wagons - as Cable drum wagons ZVV
Created 3-Apr-11
Modified 3-Apr-11
BR Pooley wagons & vans ZVV
Created 17-Jan-25
Modified 17-Jan-25
Rail wagon conversions - long welded YNV
Created 11-Apr-11
Modified 11-Apr-11
BR Concrete trough wagons YRV
Created 13-Apr-11
Modified 13-Apr-11
4-wheel bolsters for Long Welded rail ZNV
Created 16-Apr-11
Modified 16-Apr-11
BR Weedkiller
Created 26-Nov-20
Modified 26-Nov-20
Kirow Switch & Crossing Transporter "Switch Tilter" IFA (R) Uafns & Ufns
Created 31-Jul-15
Modified 31-Jul-15
Network Rail, Rail head treatment train RHTT – Container FEAF PFA KFA
Created 1-Jul-21
Modified 1-Jul-21
BR 976xxx engineers number series Cell Truck, Parrot, Gantries
Created 13-Nov-22
Modified 13-Nov-22
SR Diesel Engine Carrier ZRW DB99805x
Created 15-May-12
Modified 15-May-12
Bogie open YVV conversion of Bogie bolster C
Created 9-Jul-21
Modified 9-Jul-21
ZKO, ZKV, ZHO ex Iron ore tippler for the civil engineers
Created 2-Oct-13
Modified 2-Oct-13
Low open infrastructure MFA
Created 11-Mar-23
Modified 11-Mar-23
Low open infrastructure MHA & MPA COALFISH
Created 12-Mar-23
Modified 12-Mar-23
Low Open Infrastructure MTA
Created 9-Jun-18
Modified 9-Jun-18
MXA DB owned Lobster bogie open
Created 6-Jun-21
Modified 6-Jun-21
Network Rail MUSSEL ballast open IOA (E) 31 70 5992 00-
Created 14-Jun-24
Modified 14-Jun-24
Falcons NLU Network Rail Bogie ballast opens JNA
Created 13-Oct-24
Modified 13-Oct-24
Network Rail Bogie Box Wagons IEA 31.70.5892.001-040
Created 14-Jun-24
Modified 14-Jun-24
Falcons & Red Snapper Bogie Box Wagons MLA
Created 13-Oct-24
Modified 13-Oct-24
Jarvis KRA Sleeper Carrying Wagon
Created 23-Feb-16
Modified 23-Feb-16
NLU container flats for engineers JZA
Created 25-Aug-24
Modified 25-Aug-24
ADB976042 Concrete mixer ex Flatrol MCC
Created 21-Aug-14
Modified 21-Aug-14
GERS & Network Rail Autoballasters JJA HQA
Created 27-Sep-24
Modified 27-Sep-24
FRA-B Freightliner renumbered with additional control cables for push-pull
Created 1-Jul-21
Modified 1-Jul-21
MLA Ealnos Network Rail owned Wascosa 81 70 5932 201 - 450
Created 13-Oct-24
Modified 13-Oct-24
81 70 5831 xxx JNA-Y Network Rail open convert of MRA Hawk
Created 9-Apr-23
Modified 9-Apr-23
Wascosa Network Rail Mussel Ballast open JNA 81 70 5932 151 - 200
Created 14-Jun-24
Modified 14-Jun-24
Wascosa Sgnss FEA-W Bogie Container Flat 81 70 4524 xxx
Created 13-Oct-24
Modified 13-Oct-24
© Paul Bartlett's Photographs